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하드웨어 포장기/

하드웨어 키트 포장 기계

hardware kit packaging machine is an advanced equipment specially designed for the hardware industry. Its efficient packaging system and flexible design make it ideal for a variety of hardware kits. Through the precise metering system, each kit can be accurately packaged, improving production efficiency and packaging quality.


모델: FY-420C

포장 크기: 엘: 50-300mm, 승: 50-200mm

포장 속도: 10-60 가방/분

Packing type: Mixed/Single/Compartment

포장재: PP/PA/PE/CPP/애완 동물

계수 용량: 1-20개/가방; 1-30종류/가방


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  • 제품 세부 정보
  • 매개변수
  • 동영상
  • Application

The hardware kit packaging machine is an advanced equipment specially designed for the hardware industry. Its efficient packaging system and flexible design make it ideal for a variety of hardware kits. Through the precise metering system, each kit can be accurately packaged, improving production efficiency and packaging quality.

The machine not only has automated functions to reduce manual intervention, but also uses durable materials to ensure stable operation for a long time. To meet different packaging needs, it offers multiple adjustment options, allowing you to easily adapt to different specifications and sizes of hardware kits.

The hardware kit packaging machine will become a powerful assistant in your production line, improve production efficiency, 비용을 줄이다, and provide excellent packaging solutions for your products

PLC Control System

7 인치 터치 스크린, easy operation and multiple language for choice.

Fiber-optics Counting System

Vibrating bowl with high accuracy fiber counting device (옵텍스).

Chain Bucket Conveyor Line

Using silent high-strength material feed box transfer the items to the machine.

Bag Making System

Sophisticated vertical and horizontal sealing framework achieve the consistency of bag sealing.Adjustaple stainless steel bag former.

Sealing & Cutting Device

Temperature control, neat back sealing, sharp knife block, make strong packing bag.

Optional Device

Labeling Machine
모델 FY-420C
포장 크기 엘: 50-300mm, 승: 50-200mm
최대 필름 폭 420mm
계수 용량 1-20개/가방; 1-40 종류/가방
포장 속도 10-60 가방/분
기계 크기 L*W*H: (n/2*600+2200mm)* 1500* 1650mm, n=the Qty of vibration bowl

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    수학 보안 문자 74 + = 79