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B-type screw nut weighing packaging machine

B type nut fastener weighing packaging machine technical parameters

Tamanho da embalagemeu: 30-180milímetros, C: 50-140milímetroseu: 50-300milímetros, C: 50-200milímetros
Largura máxima do filme300milímetros420milímetros
Material de empacotamentoPA/PE, PP/CPP, PET/PE
Capacidade de contagem1-5000 peças/saco ou menos de 5 kg/saco
Velocidade de embalagem5-25 sacos/min
Peso da máquina400kg460kg

B-type screw nut packaging machine process details

B-type screw nut packaging machine finished product

B-type screw nut weighing packaging machine can pack materials are:

  • Screws, nozes, unhas, parafusos, juntas, eccentric wheels, plastic pipe fittings, wood bolts, small rubber parts, precision components of mobile phones and computers, and furniture hinge accessories, etc.
  • B-type screw nut weighing packaging machine can carry out weighing and packaging of single materials.



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